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·  )Motions   ·       Time   )        .. •  ·                                            
                                          · •  .    )Tempo (          (  Film  )     ·  
  MEDIA    uuade in New York City    •  ·                                                                                              · •   .       .    .    •  ·                                                                              .   •  ·   since 2000     ·  •    .
i world news magazine • rivista notizie dal mondo i
       Actuality Society Life Cultures Politics Health Trends Style News • Attualità Società Vita Culture Politiche Salute Tendenze Stile Novità    

N e x t | P r o s s i m i                                                                                                                                                Pilot Number - Numero Pilota 00 | bozza - draft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Perspective.
"... know the heart of NY, some cities/states around, as well as the USA deep ‘mood’ & mentality by reflection, being NY a mirror city of all cultures together.
A multicultural dimension difficult to meet, more unique than rare, of colored nature from all over the world. This is the perspective". June 27, '17

As a New Yorker, not a tourist, trust it. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Take It Easy                                     Curiosities Curiosità                                Prendila Facile
Miscellaneous                                                     Curiosities . Curiosità                                                      Miscellanea



Manhattan NYC
 '09 | '11




'09 | '15 


Episode 'HARLEM

A/S 1 ~ Time 9.27.'11


"When i was a child, 5 years, i saw a man to kill my mother. That fucking man shot my mother in front of me, 

in front of my eyes. I saw my mother to suffer and die in front of me.

Evening, almost night, we were in the bar where my mother worked,

my father in that moment was not with us, my father was a cop. My life and the life of my family changed totally. 

That man stayed in jail 20 years, but when he left, someone shot him, killing him. Now I'm 36." J.



"I know how to find a gun". In his eyes: I have one. "I can find it for 700 $or 400, or 350 $": smiling. K. 



"I know where to find a gun even for 100 $or 75 $". R. 



"Fuck up"..'V.A.' {VARIOUS AUTHORS} 


"...you see these 3 signs on my skin? These are the signs of 3 bullets that entered in my body...

...you should know with who you are dealing..."

"What happened? Why 3 bullets?"

"It doesn't matter...You should know with who you are dealing. This happened many years ago,
and i died, and another person entered in my body; so, you see me but, in my body there is another person...

Do you believe in the reincarnation?" Real Estate Agent/Broker


Episode 'THE BRONX'


A/S 1 ~ Time 9.27.'11

"I'm an ex cop, for now, I'm suspended because I have a court case, because accused of sexual abuse and rape
by the adolescent daughter of my girlfriend... she said she was consenting all the times.
But it' s not true... and my girlfriend believe in me. I'm waiting" H. 


"Fucking b---- I'm not american, I'm jamaican, I'm here only for money Fucking B----" L.B. 


"How much until xyz street?" 

Taxi driver: "7$"


To the destination:

"give me 30$or i shot you!!"... pushing the head against the glass whit 2 fingers.

"give me 30$or i shot you!!" ...

"No. But take 11 $for the help to put up/down the 3 baggage from the car. Go away or i call the police".

"Fucking b----" Taxi Driver



11.30 pm.

Noises: some one is opening the apartment door, by the noises seems that a person is opening with a regular key. 

From another room {with the door closed and locked from inside} near the entrance door: "who is? who is?.. who is" .

No body answer.

Noises of steps, a person is walking in the apartment, to the kitchen/living room. 

"who is?" from the room closed. No body answer.

From that room, a person open the door with a baton in wood color white... What are you doing here? Why are you here?.... 

The person that enter in the apt: "i shoot you in the head" ... using the fingers to help the message to arrive more clearly.

"Go out, why are you here?"... 

"I shoot you in the head" ...

"Go OUT...Why are you here in the kitchen? what are you fucking doing? Why you entered? Go out... or i call the police"

"I'm here to check the electric meter..."

"I call the police now" 

No cell phone line... impossible to call even the police...

The tenant of the apartment escapes in the street, totally scared and with few clothes... 

The person that entered with no permit and in that manner

{...a tenant of another apartment of the same building that received 

a key copy from the landlord, that 'authorized' him to enter in the other apartment at any time, even without to knock the door},

left before the police arrive, and return in his apartment to sleep.




"I have a gun. but don't say it to no body" L.


Aggiornamento • adjournment Giugno 21, June '11.   Pubblicato • published Luglio 13, July '11

______________ _________


Copyright Violation | Violazione Diritto d'Autore

Contenuti-Immagini G8 2001 - circa il 20 Luglio ecc. - dal filmdocumentario 'La Disobbedienza e Pulcinella' e girato, usate nei 'docs'/trailers
Contents-Images G8 2001 - about July 20 etc. - from the filmdocumentary 'The Disobedience & Pulcinella' & footage, used in 'docs'/trailers


-['The Summit' '11, senza autorizzazione/comunicazione. Berlinale, Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Berlino Panorama '12; Nastro d'Argento '13, menzione speciale; Genova Film Festival, etc. Prod. Minerva Pictures etc. '13/'17: Sale Cinema, Home Video (Ebay ecc.), Web, varie proiezioni...] 

-['The Summit' '11, without authorization/communication. Berlinale, Berlin International Film Festival, Panorama '12; Nastro d'Argento '13, 
special mention; Genova Film Festival, etc. Prod. Minerva Pictures etc. '13/'17: Movie Theaters, Home Video (Ebay etc.), Web, various screenings...]

(view: 5.1.'17 NY/1.5.'17 IT _ p. 5.2.'17 NY/2.5.'17)


-['Black Block' (dal consulente Carlo Bachschmidt; dell'ufficio del GLF) '11: senza autorizzazione/comunicazione, anche se conosceva autore/produttore/contatti perché lui aveva richiesto tali immagini per conto degli avvocati del GLF nel 2001. Inoltre sapeva circa le regole del copyright.
Festival Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia ’11 menzione speciale Controcampo, IDFA Amsterdam sezione Doc. in Vendita, Hot Docs Canada, Nastro Argento nomina 'miglior doc.' etc. Prod. Fandango etc. '12/'17: Sale Cinema, Tv: Rai 3, RaiNews24 '12, Home Video (Ebay ecc.), Web: Rai; YouTube: Rimosso per Violazione Copyright, ecc., varie proiezioni...]

-['Black Block' (by a consulent Carlo Bachschmidt; of GLF office) '11: without authorization/communication, even if he knew author/producer/contacts because he requested such images on behalf of the GLF lawyers in 2001. Furthermore knew about the copyright rules.
Venezia International Film Festival ’11 special mention Controcampo, IDFA Amsterdam section Doc for Sale, Hot Docs Canada, Nastro Argento nomination 'best doc.' etc. Prod. Fandango etc. '12/'17: Movie Theaters, Tv: Rai3, RaiNews24 '12, Home Video (Ebay etc.), Web: Rai; YouTube: Removed for Copyright Violation, etc., various screenings...] 

(Biografilm Festival Lancia Award; Torino Film Festival... Announced but never confirmed or released? Black Block misteries...)

Wikipedia: 09:14, 17 set 2011 Valerio79 (Discussione | contributi) ha cancellato la pagina Carlo Augusto Bachschmidt ((C13) Testo in violazione di copyright da: http://www.genovafilmfestival.org/downloads/catalogoGFF14)
[C.A.B. page cancelled for copyright violation]

Wikipedia: 18:18, 19 nov 2011 Ribbeck (Discussione | contributi) ha cancellato la pagina Black Block (film) ((C13) Testo in violazione di copyright da: http://www.controcampus.it/spip.php?article23503 l'unico contributore era '') 
[B.B. page cancelled for copyright violation]

view: '16; check: '17.


-['OP Ordine Pubblico' '07 (dal consulente Carlo Bachschmidt; dell'ufficio del GLF): senza autorizzazione/comunicazione, anche se conosceva autore/produttore/contatti perché lui aveva richiesto tali immagini per conto degli avvocati del GLF nel 2001. Inoltre sapeva circa le regole del copyright. Tv: Rai; Web; Dvd in vendita; varie Proiezioni etc.]

-['OP Public Order' '07 (by a consulent Carlo Bachschmidt; of GLF's office): without authorization/communication, even if he knew author/producer/contacts because he requested such images on behalf of the GLF lawyers in 2001. Furthermore knew about the copyright rules. Tv: Rai; Web; Dvd for sale; various screenings etc.] 


-['...' '03 (da Mauro Parissone/agenzia H24): senza autorizzazione/comunicazione, anche se conosceva autore/produttore/contatti perché lui aveva richiesto tali immagini per trasmetterle attraverso alcune televisioni nel 2001. Inoltre sapeva circa le regole del copyright. Tv: La7 '07/'08; Web; varie proiezioni etc.]

-['...' '03 (by Mauro Parissone/H24 agency): without authorization/communication, even if he knew author/producer/contacts because he requested such images to transmit them through some televisions in 2001. Furthermore knew about the copyright rules. Tv: La7 '07/'08; Web; various screenings etc.]


somebody else? qualcun altro?

Immagini G8 2001 usate per i processi legali, '01... autorizzate/gratis... (anche se senza coinvolgimento nei procedimenti legali).
Images G8 2001 used for the legal processes, '01... authorized/free... (even if without involvement in the legal proceedings).

(p. 4.19.'17 NY/19.4.'17 IT)         

be continued.


Episode: FILMMAKER Concept Idea.

Filmmaker course, Silvano Cavatorta original concept, as made in 2000/2001.
• practice, 6 shorts/6 roles/1 tutor for each direction & short, or more/one teacher for each matter or more:
direction, direction plan-subject, screenplay (& storyboard)-image/shooting (digital; exercises in beta, short shooting dv; tape theory)/lights/audio/editing/production.
Plus, Cinema Theory: concepts &/of cinema history, vision of films or extracts or scenes,
with explanation &/o discussion of some key points, anecdotes etc.
'Full immersion' course, evening schedule, 6/10 pm (10 minutes of break)-monday to friday, some tasks before/after this time, in/out the school, if necessary: to ask the shooting permits in the offices of competence, to search/book the actors-to deal with the kids parents if the actors were kids (as some in 'winged migrants') then other permits- the locations or something else, to test, to make an organization possible also for all others 5 roles/partecipants (students &/or workers) and all others involved directly or indirectly,  and all in security (for the persons/instruments), furthermore staying in the school insurance criteria etc. Direction plan/screenplay/storyboard/production, almost all over the school time. The aspiring film director/filmmaker was also in charge of the production and with the duty to check and 'solve'/change everything with flexibility. Final result: shooting when necessary/possible, day/afternoon/evening/night, weekend included- in 3 days/1 week, 1 week/10 days editing, or less (based on the project).
Short film or documentary max lenght: 7/10 min. Silvano Cavatorta: direction & cinema history teacher, and other, & 'winged migrants' short tutor.

Corso Filmmaker, concetto originale di Silvano Cavatorta, come fatto nel 2000/2001.
• Pratica, 6 corti/6 ruoli/un tutore per ogni corto & regia, o più/un insegnante per ogni materia o più:
regia, piano regia-soggetto, sceneggiatura (& storyboard)-immagine/ripresa (digitale; esercitazioni in beta, riprese corto in dv; teoria pellicola)/luci/audio/montaggio/produzione.
Più, Teoria del Cinema: concetti e/di storia del cinema, visione di film o estratti o scene,
con spiegazione e/o discussione di alcuni punti chiave, aneddoti etc.
Silvano Cavatorta: insegnante di regia e storia del cinema, e altro, e tutor del corto 'migranti alati'.

Course selection/selezione corso: Silvano Cavatorta & Daniele Maggioni.

Other details will follow.

EPISODE: da Milano a Wall Street, from Wall Street to Milano... 

.Time 10.13.'11.

The pacific protest is appreciated. Thank you... ACT 1..


7 Ottobre ’11, corteo di studenti e altri a Milano







Alternative Possibili o Altro? | Possible Alternatives o Other?


     Apprendiamo oggi della scomparsa di        Silvano Cavatorta, avvvenuta il 6.3.2011, Milano.     In questo momento non ci sono altre parole                per una persona così grande perché                             troppo grande è il dolore.                  

          We learn today of Silvano Cavatorta               disappearance, occurred on 3.6.2011, Milano.
            In this moment there aren't other words                          for a person so big because                    too big is the pain.

                                                        New York, 2 Aprile ~ April 2011

 for more details.

foto originale | original photo:                            Ferdinando Scianna




Aggiornamento • adjournment Giugno 21, June '11.   Pubblicato • published Luglio 13, July '11

   Archivio | Archive                                                              prima del 2 Aprile, '11 | prior April 2, '11



Act 1 


                                                                             1.    F in a Scene, Act, Chapter or passage means: Fiction part,                                                                                                                                                                     no a bad vote. Dear kids. R/F: Real+Fiction.
                                                                                                                                     2.    As specified in a precedent act: some updates, corrections,                                                                                                                                                                                  rectifications are/will be underlined.


"The librarian or manager that hates kids, adolescents, library's users"

For the series


& much more...
see the articles and some connections.


Librarian Wants Police to Crack Down on Unruly Tweens

A library manager pleaded with police for protection against unruly pre-teens who harass library staff.


Rebecca Dash, Rebecca Lynn Dash, or Rebecca Dash Donsky

Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky says she sometimes feels threatened by unruly tweens who come to the library to make trouble. (DNAinfo/Leslie Albrecht)

By Leslie Albrecht

DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

UPPER WEST SIDE — An Upper West Side librarian says unruly tweens have become such a threatening menace to her and her staff that she needs police protection.

"They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting, her voice shaking with emotion as she pleaded for help controlling the youngsters.

Staff at the Bloomingdale Library say they need police help to control unruly tweens who harass library employees. (DNAinfo/Leslie Albrecht)

Donsky said she asked her husband to get her pepper spray because she's worried the pre-teens might jump her one night as she's locking up at the end of a shift.
he's regularly forced to kick out rude tweens, who have called her "b--ch" more times than she can count, Donsky said.
"I'm afraid," Donsky said. "Kids wait outside and one of these days they're going to be waiting for me."
Donsky, 28, says she's "suburban girl from Staten Island" who has a hard time cracking down on kids. "I have a big squishy heart, so it's really hard for me to put my foot down," Donsky said. "That's why I'm asking for all this help [from police]."

The Bloomingdale Library on West 100th Street and Columbus Avenue is directly across the street from the NYPD's 24th Precinct. But even with police nearby Donsky said she worries about her and her staff's safety.
Donsky says most days at the library are busy, but manageable, with dozens of kids streaming into the branch after school. Many are quiet and polite, but some bad apples come looking for trouble, she said.

Librarians at the Bloomingdale Library on West 100th Street say they need police help to control unruly tweens who harass library staff. (DNAinfo/Leslie Albrecht)

She's worked with investigators from the library's security team and legal department to identify a few troublemakers and ban them from the branch.
In December, a group of rowdy, noisy teens refused to leave the library, even when the security guard asked them. Donsky walked across the street to the 24th Precinct and asked police for help. As two officers escorted the teens out of the building, the young people shouted at Donsky and told her to "go to hell."
Later that day, Donsky called 911 when she spotted the same group of teens loitering outside the library doors. "I felt silly calling 911 for a bunch of kids loitering on the porch, but technically they were trespassing," Donsky said.
The officers who responded to the call told Donsky they sympathized with the librarian, because, they said, teenagers don't respect police. "They laugh in our face," one officer told Donsky.
Deputy Inspector Kathleen O'Reilly, commanding officer of the 24th Precinct, told Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting she would step up police visibility by sending officers to walk through the library when they're leaving the station house on meal breaks.
New York Public Library spokeswoman Angela Montefinise said disruptive behavior isn't acceptable, and the library has worked with its own security team to improve the situation at the Bloomingdale branch recently.
Bloomingdale Library is also making efforts to become more welcoming to young people, Montefinise said. The library is creating a new space in the branch just for teens, and it's about to start a talent show program that teens will direct.
"The goal is to find productive and positive ways to bring teens into the library," Montefinise said in an e-mail.
Donsky, who focused on youth programming when she got her master's degree in library science, says she "loves teens" and wants them to enjoy the library.
"I want to give them a way to channel their energy," Donsky said. "If they're angry, don't call me names, write a poem."

www.dnainfo.com/people/rebecca-donsky - 
Rebecca Donsky - Home - DNAinfo.com

Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/20110124/upper-west-side/librarian-wants-police-crack-down-on-unruly-tweens-at-upper-west-side-branch#ixzz1Z679UWfX

The Tail . . .

                                                   Please note, her 'night' shift ended at 5, 6 or 7 pm (or before)...

Librarian Fed Up With Those Darn Unruly Kids: Gothamist

gothamist.com/2011/01/.../librarian_fed_up_with_those_rascall.php - Cached

Jan 24, 2011 – DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her ... Rebecca Donsky - New York

www.villagevoice.com/related/to/Rebecca+Donsky/ - Cached

Rebecca Donsky. Blogs. January 24, 2011. Upper West Side Librarian Wants Police Protection from Kids. You don't need to convince us that large groups of ...

Rowdy Tweens Are Terrorizing an UWS Library

myupperwest.com/upper.../rowdy-tweens-terrorizing-uws-library/ - Cached

Jan 25, 2011 – Rebecca Donsky, a manager at Bloomingdale Library (100th and Columbus), made a plea at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council ...

Librarian Wants Police to Crack Down on Unruly Tweens | LISNews:

lisnews.org/librarian_wants_police_crack_down_unruly_tweens - Cached

Jan 24, 2011 – "They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community ...

Upper West Side Librarian Wants Police Protection from Kids - New ...

blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/2011/.../upper_west_side_2.ph... - Cached

Jan 24, 2011 – "They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community ... rebeccadonsky coverage by - gothamist

gothamist.com/tags/rebeccadonsky - Cached

DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her place of business. ...

Erin Miller - Google+ - word. Librarian Wants Police to Crack Down ...

https://plus.google.com/106671065826911317138/.../JDDnJgBU7n... - Cached

Jan 24, 2011 – "They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council ...

Meghan: Librarian-in-Training (“Some libraries ban balloons and ...

www.meghandowell.com/.../some-libraries-ban-balloons-and-some-... - Cached

DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her place of business. ...

Crimes & Criminals | LISNews:

lisnews.org/topic/who_dunnit?page=1 - Cached

"They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting, her ... libtech : Message: [LISNews] The LISNews For January 25th 2011


tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/libtech/message/4574 - Cached

2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jan 27

Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting, her voice shaking with emotion as she ...

Lagomorph Watson: Unruly Tweens

lagomorph-watson.blogspot.com/2011/01/unruly-tweens.html - Cached

Jan 25, 2011 – "They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council ...

donsky in New York Metro, NY - Fwix

fwix.com/nyc/search/donsky/news - Cached

Librarian Fed Up With Those Darn Unruly Kids ... Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at ... News posted 9 months ago on Gothamist · Share ...

Librarian Fed Up With Those Darn Unruly Kids - Story Analysis by ...

www.buzzbox.com/news/2011-01-24/death:pennsylvania/?... - CachedBlock all www.buzzbox.com results

20+ items – ... Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at ...

SOUND OFF: Death penalty is a joke in Pennsylvania: http://tinyurl.com/479s29l

A sad tragedy, unbelievably they have a door that let's you out but not back ...

RT @nycnewsnow:

Librarian Fed Up With Those Darn Unruly Kids | Bescomsoft


Jan 24, 2011 – DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her ...

DEPUTY INSPECTOR news in Manhattan, NY | Outside.in local topics


Rebecca Donsky, a manager at Bloomingdale Library (100th and Columbus), made a plea at a recent 24th Precinct Comm... » ...

Libraries | LISNews:

www.lisnews.com/taxonomy/term/39/all?page=15 - Cached

Feb 1, 2011 – "They're 12 and they have no respect for us," said Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council ...

police : Search Results : Londonist


Jan 25, 2011 – DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her ...

Upper West Side | EveryBlock New York City


Jan 25, 2011 – Rebecca Donsky, a manager at Bloomingdale Library (100th and Columbus), made a plea at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting for ...


myupperwest.com/tag/teens/ - Cached

Rebecca Donsky, a manager at Bloomingdale Library (100th and Columbus), made a plea at a recent 24th Precinct Community Council meeting for police ...

kids : Search Results : Londonist

torontoist.com/mt/mt-search.cgi?... - Canada - Cached

Jan 24, 2011 – DNAinfo today relays the story of Bloomingdale Library manager Rebecca Donsky who is at her wits end with wild youngsters terrorizing her


"Go to Hell" ~ Act 2 - Time 9.7.'11


Welcome to the Hell.


Entire Episode 'GO TO HELL' in  | Intero Episodio 'VAI ALL' INFERNO' in


Expression | pilot number-numero pilota | www.motionstime.com.pdf
0.7 MB



Any resemblance to any thing or person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


ACT 20 - Time 9.20.'11














be continued







File pdf ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Se desideri scrivi e pubblica una riflessione, un articolo, una notizia, una nuova, le nuove, un fatto, una storia vera, un'esperienza, una domanda, un' inchiesta.
O un aneddoto, un' opinione o un commento a un evento o situazione; nonché proposte o idee, un suggerimento, qualcosa
utile o interessante da sapere per un generale interesse {anche anonimamente}.

If you wish write and publish a reflection, an article, a notice, a new, the news, a fact, a true story, an experience, a question, an inquest.
O an anecdote, an opinion, or a comment to an event or situation; as well proposals or ideas, a suggestion, something
useful or interesting to know for a general interest {also anonymously}.

Rubrica, numero pilota | Rubric, pilot number o Alternativa 'Soffice'... | Alternative 'Soft'...

Se stai riportando un contenuto realizzato da altri, specifica la fonte, l'autore e la data; se possibile, e' necessario. Non c'e' un numero limite di parole da usare ma uno scritto breve puo' essere abbastanza significativo. Alcuni contenuti possono essere anticipazioni e/o bozze e saranno riportati, spiegati, sviluppati o aggiornati in diversi momenti o capitoli • foto e video sono benvenuti. Tu (Voi) puoi (potete) fare una differenza.

If you are reporting a content realized by others, specify the source, the author and the date; if possible, is necessary. There isn't a limit number of words to use but a
short script can be enough significative. Some contents can be anticipations and/or drafts & will be reported, explained, developed or updated in diverse
moments or chapters • photo  & video are welcome. You (You) can do a difference.






M otions         T ime      
 M otions        T ime      
empo     F ilm      

 ))Motions (          Time   )
     )Motions (          Time   )


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 M otions      T ime     
 Motions      T ime     

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 M otions        T ime      

      Temp     ilm         F ilm              ilm     

    AAT A       AATempo         Tempo    Tempo    ATempo      Tempo  

   F ilm      
    F ilm      
    F ilm    
    F ilm    



      Temp          F ilm      
      Temp         F ilm      
     Temp          F ilm     

      Temp          F ilm     

_______Jam _
              T       iJMJ  Fi     JM J     JMJ??JMJ?T  J M J  JMJ   Do you  _ 

  archive    ARCHIVE        

ArchiviO ||\ ARCHIVE
   archivE    archivIO 

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 M otions         T ime      
 M otions        T ime      
empo     F ilm      

 ))Motions (          Time   )
     )Motions (          Time   )



 Motions      T ime     

 M otions      T ime     
 Motions      T ime     

)Motions (     ( Time  ) 

    Motions (     ( Time  ) 






 M otions        T ime      

      Temp     ilm         F ilm              ilm     

    AAT A       AATempo         Tempo    Tempo    ATempo      Tempo  

   F ilm      
    F ilm      
    F ilm    
    F ilm    




      Temp          F ilm      
      Temp         F ilm      
     Temp          F ilm     

      Temp          F ilm     

_______Jam _
              T       iJMJ  Fi     JM J     JMJ??JMJ?T  J M J  JMJ   Do you  _   

A A A_____


____________prova ________________________
